Ceann Comhairle Criticizes €336,000 Leinster House Bike Shelter

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2 Min Read

Seán Ó Feargháil, the Ceann Comhairle of the Irish Parliament, has sharply criticized the €336,000 expenditure on a new bike shelter at Leinster House, calling it a “profound embarrassment” and a misuse of public funds. Speaking on the resumption of the Dáil, Ó Feargháil expressed astonishment at the cost, which he described as incomprehensible and deeply upsetting to the public.

In his remarks, Ó Feargháil condemned the significant expense, emphasizing that it fails to reflect good value for money. He has demanded that the Chairman of the Office of Public Works (OPW) attend the next Oireachtas Commission meeting to explain the expenditure and the absence of a value-for-money assessment once the exorbitant cost became apparent.

“This spending is galling for people who are struggling to pay their bills,” said Ó Feargháil, who vowed that such an unnecessary use of taxpayer money would not occur again. His strong stance underscores the growing public frustration over perceived fiscal irresponsibility.

In related developments, Independent TD Danny Healy Rae reported being “denied access” to the Dáil despite presenting his identification. He expressed frustration over the incident, highlighting concerns about access rights for elected officials.

Ó Feargháil responded to Healy Rae’s concerns by explaining that heightened security measures were in place due to anticipated protests outside Leinster House. He reiterated the importance of ensuring a secure environment for parliamentary proceedings, referencing disruptions that occurred during the return session last September.

The criticism of the bike shelter expenditure and the security measures at the Dáil reflects ongoing scrutiny of parliamentary spending and operational decisions. As the Ceann Comhairle seeks accountability for the costly bike shelter, the incident has sparked a broader discussion on the need for more transparent and prudent management of public funds.

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